Lahore Grammar School, Mian Channun

Learning and growing together

Director's Message

I am delighted to offer you a warm welcome to LGS MC. At MC, we view diversity as our biggest strength. We aim to inspire in our students the curiosity to learn, the self-confidence to lead and the compassion to serve. Our primary source of insight and energy is our students’ validation, critique and innovative ideas. We mutually guide and encourage one another to understand the importance of not just academic achievement but also values of tolerance and respect. I hope our website gives you a sense of our purpose and vision.
Mr. Jamil Ahmad Adv.

LGS Director
LGS Principal

Principal's Message

Starting in the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful, I thank Allah (S.W.T) for giving us the Imaan and creating us in the Ummah of Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W).
Lahore Grammar School aims to provide quality education of international standard. We aim for excellence through quality management, quality training and quality teaching, bringing benefits to our pupils and the surroundings.
We at Lahore Grammar School believe that this is the fundamental truth and it has always been the endeavor of the school to instill right values in its students so that they develop a holistic personality and are ready to take on the challenges head on once they step out of the gates of the school.We believe that the role of a school is not only to enable academic excellence, but also to motivate and empower its students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and productive members of an ever-changing global society.
The trust here is to blend thoroughly the modern, traditional and religious approach which is conducive for learners. Children here learn through exploration and experimentation with a plethora of extra – curricular activities, the students gain optimum exposure and acquire confidence. We are focused to achieve our aim by providing an exemplary infrastructure to work upon a child’s physical, mental, emotional, spiritual wellbeing and abilities.
May Allah (S.W.T) guide us onto the right path and shower his blessings on the entire humanity.

Miss Uzma Sajjad

The LGS Way

Our Values


Lahore GrammarSchool dedicates itself to educating the whole child ensuring their academic growth as well as fostering their social and emotional development.
By providing a multitude of learning experiences in core academics, in addition to physical education and performing arts, students grow into accomplished and confident individuals. This richness of experience sets the stage for a lifetime of learning and leadership that Lahore Grammar School is proud to foster.
Working in partnership with our families is a vital component to helping children achieve their fullest potential. At every level, from pre-section till 10th grade, families are encouraged to participate actively in their child education


We maintain disciplinein the school which is a bridge between goals and accomplishment.
In order for Lahore Grammar school to succeed in helping our children become successful Muslims that make us all proud, the school and parents must work together towards the betterment of our children’s attitudes and behavior, for their child.
The Discipline Policy is based on the principles of Islam derived from the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad . As Muslims we are expected to behave with self-discipline and noble conduct in every situation. It is related that the Prophet Muhammad said, “I was only sent to perfect noble character” (Ahmed).
Therefore, at Lahore Grammar School, one of our main goals is to nurture self-discipline and noble conduct amongst our students. We are also committed to the development and maintenance of a learning environment that is safe, secure and conducive to effective learning.
Discipline at our school is an educational process in which a sense of responsibility, self-awareness and making good choices is fostered. We believe that the most effective discipline is using preventive measures. We continually work towards improving the school environment by establishing policies that promote morality and good conduct while minimizing or eliminating the causes of poor behavior.
We trust that the application of these rules will enhance our efforts in developing a strong moral system, help our students to take responsibility of their own actions and make positive choices throughout their lives. The parents must work with the school, as a team, to help promote self-discipline and excellence in the student’s lives


We respect and guide our students as an individual so they can learn to respect and guide others as an individual.


We teach sincerity by showing honesty, genuineness, truthfulness towards their time and learning needs.


It is the aim of the school to nurture individual integrity and to promote the development of academic as smooth and integral practice in learning. We continue to reinvent its educational approach to meet the needs of the future. We believe that modern methods and attitudes can enable students to achieve their fullest potential.


We teach students to respect another person, not because he is wrong or even because he is right, but because he is human.

Bringing out the talent within

We encourage and prepare our students for inter-school competitions for networking,coordinating teamwork, fostering leadership skills, developing a growth mindset, improve social skills and platform to showcase their talents

Limitless learning and opportunities

Students at Lahore Grammar School Mian Channu will be able to achieve their learning outcomes through persistence, continuous improvement, determination, risk taking, and asking for feedback.

Our Activities

We offer educational, cultural, health and wellness recreational, social, critical thinking and problem solving activities which focus on functional and declarative knowledge

Looking Further Afield

As our children make their way through school, our goal is to prepare them for life beyond our walls, teaching them that they have a responsibility to bring a positive change not only in Pakistan, but in the world in which we live.

Our Mission

The school mission is to ensure that the students develop skills to become Independent, Disciplined, Active with positive behavior, curiosity, energy drive and ability to solve problems. Creative and be prepared for change and be flexible and open but have a plan in position. Emotional and learn to translate signals and be sensitive. Reflective and have a good general view of events and trends in society. Persons with great confidence and skill for the future.

This means that we:

Respect each student as an individual. Help each student to develop as a person. Get the student to see completeness and connection in the process of learning. Give basic understanding of every topic. Create consciousness about our country Pakistan. Practice democracy in all situations. Make teaching more instructive.

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