Bullying in Children

Parents need to observe carefully the element of bullying in their kids.
Parents can play a vital role to stop bullying in the kids with the support of peers and teachers. Before we deep dive into how to improve bullying in kids. Let’s first understand that what is bullying?

“Intentionally hurtful behaviour of a person/child towards others.”

Bullying can be in different types and shapes e.g. physical, victim is beaten up, verbal, where hurtful signals/words are used against other individuals.

Reasons of bullying:

  1. A child may witness of fights between their parents or other relatives . It can be in his mind that bullying is a way to control the people.
  2. A child may want to get popularity in their peer group. So for him bullying may be a way to get fame.
There are some other reasons too:
  • Family Dynamics
  • Siblings Rivalry
  • Lack of attention of parents
  • Overshadowed from sibling.
Tips for parents to deal with a bully:
  • Imagine an incident where your child is bullying other child.
  • You can ignore your child because you are sure your child is well-behaved, but would it help?
  • You can punish to your child about bullying will it help?

When you came to know about the bullying behaviour of your child the main thing to remain calm at that time. Address the problem immediately explain the pain of bullying show them their behaviour is unacceptable, and you are not happy due to this act.

Discuss Clearly:

While confronting your child for bullying issue , give your child enough time so he/she can explain the reason behind the problem. Have a clear conversation with your child so that you can understand the root cause of their bullying. This information is very necessary as it would help you to work on the reason of child’s unacceptable behaviour.

Explain the outcomes:

As after proper discussion now you have the idea of the reason of the problem. So now, you need to share the consequences of their actions.
Make it clear from your talk and behaviour that bullying is not acceptable at any cost. Prepare a plan and share it with other family members too who are close to the child to get more results.

Be Positive:

Might be a child is showing this attitude due to lack of attention from parents and other people. When you learn about the reasons make sure you support your child to solve this problem. Do not threaten or punish them as it can have negative effects on their personality.

Consult for expert help:

After realizing the root cause of the problem of your child’s negative attitude you may need to seek for professional help. Professionals who are working for children’s psychology can help you better to deal with this issue. Let your child feel that he is having your best support instead of all this.

In a nutshell to your child bullying behaviour.