General Classroom Rules

  • Students are expected to be on time for class. Unexcused tardiness is not permitted. Students are considered tardy when they are not in their seats, prepared for class.
  • Students must always be polite, courteous and considerate. If a student wants something, he/she should raise his/her hand, and wait until he/she is recognized by the teacher.
  • Whenever there is a guest in the room, he/she must be treated with respect.
  • Students must have the correct books and equipment for the lesson.
  • The student is in a school to learn. If a student does not understand something he/she should ask. It is his / her responsibility to ask for work missed. Extra help will be available to anyone who requests it.
  • Food, drinks, snack, gum, and eatables are not allowed in any classroom except in break, as allowed by the teachers.
  • To keep the classroom neat and tidy.
  • A basic right of each student at Lahore Grammar School is the right to learn, without interference by the behavior of another student. This right must be protected. Students who continuously disrupt the learning of other students by unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. Thus at Lahore Grammar School, giving priority to the teaching staff’s time to teach, as opposed to dealing with disciplinary and attendance problems is important.
  • The bell does not dismiss the class – the teacher does. Before leaving class each student is responsible for cleaning the area around his/ her desk or work area. No trash is allowed around the chair and table. Students must use basket in the classroom for throwing the waste.
  • Any damage of school property by any student will be charged according to the value of the object.